Automatic Drip Machine

A classic method when brewing for a group or for those who prefer a hands off approach.

What you'll need

  • Passenger Coffee (weight varies on preference)
  • Burr Grinder
  • Drip brew device
  • Gram Scale
  • Filtered Water

Brewing instructions

We use a 15.5:1 water to coffee ratio and recommend a water temperature of 210-212 degrees.

Weigh the desired amount of coffee, keeping the ratio in mind.

Insert the filter into the brewing basket.

Grind the coffee on a medium setting with a burr grinder and place it into the filter.

Fill the reservoir with filtered water (refer to our water recipe for specifics). If your brewer doesn't have milliliter markings, weigh the filtered water (1g of water = 1mL).

Start the brewing cycle and wait until it's completely finished before pouring any coffee.

Enjoy your coffee!

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